The stones you need. Wherever you need them to be.
Brazil is known for its variety of natural stones: granites, quartzites, marbles and slates in all colors and patterns. At Maitino, we are proud to offer a wide range of materials in different formats: slabs, half-slabs, tiles, veneers for cladding and prefabricated pieces (countertops and vanity tops).
We are a family company and value client satisfaction above all — our goal is to provide quality materials at good price, without complications in the importing process. Our long experience in the stone business allows us to do just that: we help you find the material you need and send it wherever you need it to be — ports, warehouses or building sites all over the world.
Send us a message!
Whether you are on the lookout for new exotics, interested in classic stones or searching for cost-beneficial alternatives to traditional materials, we are always happy to help. We are available for contact through e-mail, telephone, Skype or Whatsapp. Send us a message!
Your stone supplier from Brazil.
Established in 1948, we produce, install and export beautiful materials from Brazil. Granites, quartzites, marbles, slates: you name it.
Our work begins with the rough stone, which is carefully processed in our plants, and goes on until the last details of packing have been taken care of.
Maitino can supply you with any natural stones you need.